The upcoming League of Legends 2016 update will feature a new loot system. When implemented by Riot, the new loot system will randomly drop chests and keys at the end of the match. The keys are used for opening chests which will contain character skins, full character unlocks, or temporary character rentals.
Players will also be able to recycle unwanted loot for use in the crafting system. The system sounds pretty familiar to the ones used by some other games, the key difference is that it won't be available to players who engage in toxic behavior on a regular basis.
Riot's lead social systems game designer Jeffrey Lin explained to Polygon how this new system is designed to reward players for positive behavior, he said:
“We’ve never been able to give skins for free before in League of Legends, so this is our way of saying, ‘Hey, if you’re a positive player in the game, here’s your way of earning something just for playing the game and being awesome.”
Thanks VG247