DOTA 2 Slardar - Mutation Of Shallows Item Set

November 26, 2013 1

Our friends at DOTAFX are happy to announced that recently they have concluded the development of their item set for Slardar, Mutation of Shallows. Being consister of four different parts, a weapon, back, head and arms, Mutation of Shallows is one of the best looking sets for Slardar ever released.

In case you love Mutation of Shallows, feel free to support it by leaving your vote on Steam Workshop

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Extinox | Tuesday, November 26, 2013 7:22 PM
Once again I have to comment on an article to get some attention.
6 days ago I've sent an email to support@gamersbook, 4 days ago I forwarded the same message to feedback and 2 days ago, xXDanteXx sent me a message on gamersbook but my verification problem is still there.
I still haven't received any verification email and I really would just like to activate my account.