Vampyr E3 2017 trailer

June 09, 2017
Fly through the streets as imagined by Dontnod Entertainment, in the E3 trailer for their upcoming narrative driven action-RPG Vampyr. Witness deep into the heart of a flu-stricken London, where secret societies operate in the shadows.

Accompanied by the rock song Devil by Ida Maria, set out on an exciting journey with an uncut sequence shot throughout the city’s dark alleys, deadly underground passages and corrupt neighbourhoods and get a first glimpse at The Ascalon Club, a society formed from the richest vampires, unbeknownst to the mortals.

You are Dr. Jonathan Reid, a famous surgeon home from the Great War and recently turned into a vampire against your own will. As a doctor, you have taken an oath to save lives and take care of the sick. As a vampire, you are cursed to hunt those you vowed to heal.

To survive against deadly foes roaming the streets – vampire hunters, undead Skal and other monstrosities – you will need to choose which civilians to feed on, so you can grow stronger and evolve your vampiric abilities. Use your unholy powers to manipulate and delve into the lives of those around you – but be prepared to live with the consequences of your actions. A web of interconnected citizens with unique lives and relationships react to your decisions, and killing just one may cause the downfall of an entire city district. Your actions will save or doom London.

Vampyr releases November 2017 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. Pre- orders are now open.

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