Articles with tag 'Titanfall'

Titanfall 'Frontier's Edge' DLC Announced

Titanfall 'Frontier's Edge' DLC Announced

July 08, 2014
Respawn Entertainment announced Titanfall Frontier’s Edge DLC, the DLC introduces three exciting new maps. Isolated mining outpost of Dig Site, exclus...
Titanfall is Free On Origin This Weekend

Titanfall is Free On Origin This Weekend

June 20, 2014 3
EA is offering Titanfall for free this weekend as a part of Origin's new promotion called "Game Time". You can get access to the full game for 48 hour...
Titanfall Expedition DLC Trailer

Titanfall Expedition DLC Trailer

May 13, 2014
New trailer for Titanfall's Expedition DLC shows three new maps, Swampland, Runoff, and War Games.Respawn wrote: "In the wake of the Battle of Demeter...
Titanfall 'Expedition' DLC Announced

Titanfall 'Expedition' DLC Announced

April 14, 2014
Respawn has revealed the first Titanfall DLC pack titled Expedition. The DLC will come packed with three new maps Runoff, Swamplands and Wargames. Exp...
Titanfall Launch Trailer

Titanfall Launch Trailer

March 05, 2014 1
Respawn has released the launch trailer for its upcoming multiplayer shooter Titanfall. It sets up the game's story, and shows some trademark mutiplay...
Titanfall: Official Beta Trailer is Out

Titanfall: Official Beta Trailer is Out

February 12, 2014 1
Titanfall's Beta is just about to begin, and to introduce us properly to everything we can expect from the upcoming test, the developers of Respawn En...
Titanfall Beta Registration Now Live

Titanfall Beta Registration Now Live

February 12, 2014 5
Great news everyone! Electronic Arts and Respawn Entertainment have just announced that Titanfall's Beta Registration page has gone live. In order to...
Meet Titanfall's Militia and The IMC

Meet Titanfall's Militia and The IMC

February 10, 2014 2
The Militia The Frontier Militia represents the military arm of the Frontier systems' territorial defense pact. The Militia is a loosely governed ...
Titanfall- Behind The Scenes Video

Titanfall- Behind The Scenes Video

February 08, 2014 2
EA has released a new mini-documentary video, offering an exclusive, behind the scenes look at Respawn Entertainment, and its upcoming shooter Titanfa...
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