Articles with tag 'EA DICE'

Battlefield 4 Giveaway Ended

Battlefield 4 Giveaway

February 10, 2014 3962
Once again, we are happy to announce Battlefield 4 giveaway, and this time, we are going to randomly select ten community members and will reward them...
THIEF & Battlefield 4 Giveaway Ended

THIEF & Battlefield 4 Giveaway

January 18, 2014 1164
We are happy to announce quick weekend giveaway where we are going to reward you with one copy of Battlefield 4 and one copy of Thief. Both winners wi...
Battlefield 4 Christmas Giveaway Ended

Battlefield 4 Christmas Giveaway

December 10, 2013 3045
Greetings everyone! As there are only two weeks left before Christmas, and only a week left before the holidays finally kick off, we are happy to ann...